Across Western Plains and Deserts; Nevada's Deat Town; A Deadly Insult; The Human Hunt; In the Heart of Indian Country; A Pawnee Knife Chief; The Card of a Choctaw Chief; The Most Beautiful Part of America; The Rowdies of the Rivers; The Rush for Gold; Cowboys, Soldiers and Several Murders; Stagecoach Tales and Slade's Untimely Death; Calistoga Stagecoach Robbries; A Poet's Western Journey; All Gold Canyon; Twelve O'Clock; The Caballero's Way; Phantoms of Peace; From Far Dakota's Canyons; The Revenge of Rain-in-the-Face; Two Alike and a Lady; A Drift from Redwood Camp; The Stranger; The Horses of Bostil's Ford; The Hiding of Black Bill.